Are you an avid gamer looking to enjoy your favorite Android games on a bigger screen? Android emulators like MemuPlay and BlueStacks are your go-to solutions. However, the question of safety often looms large when installing such software. I decided to take a plunge into the world of Android emulators, aiming to play the enthralling Warcraft Rumble, but was greeted by antivirus alerts. This prompted a deeper exploration - are MemuPlay and BlueStacks safe to use? Let’s delve into what I found out. MemuPlay: A Gamer’s Delight, but is it Safe? MemuPlay markets itself as a safe and free-to-play platform for Android gaming on PC. According to the official MemuPlay blog, it is portrayed as a safe platform that does not harbor malware, compromise Google accounts, or indulge in any shady practices like cryptocurrency mining or selling user data1. It earns its revenue from ads, which seems like a fair trade-off for a free gaming experience. However, as I dug deeper, I found some unsettling r...
Cine a stiut ca poti sa vizionezi si sa asculti video-urile de pe youtube cu VLC - care se pare ca e cel mai tare media player free actual - fara sa ai nevoie de flash player ?
Cum faci asta ?
Pentru inceput deschide VLC, apasa CTRL + N si da paste la un link de pe youtube si click Open. Magic happened ! :D
Ce beneficii ai cand vizionezi/asculti video-uri de pe youtube cu VLC ?
Urmatoarele :
1. Poti sa alegi ca video-ul sa fie always on top, adica sa fie tot timpul deasupra celorlalte ferestre.2. Poti sa asculti pe repeat o anumita piesa, adica non stop pana o urasti.
3. Poti sa faci o captura la un anumit minut, secunda, milisecunde a video-ului (Tools - Take snapshot)
4. Vezi video-urile fara reclame.
Si spre final.. mai este o chestie, poti sa asculti un intreg playlist de pe youtube cu VLC.
Si uite cum, downloadezi fisieru ASTA si il salvezi pe desktop sau unde vrei tu. Apoi te duci aici ("ProgramFiles\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\playlist") si dai paste la fisierul din arhiva ce ai downloadat-o mai inainte.
Dai restart la VLC(il inchizi si il pornesti) si apoi dai CTRL + N - network stream si dai paste la un playlist care e public, care e playlist privat sau cele de la Favorites nu merg, si dai Open.
Pentru versiunea pentru MacOSX mergeti in Finder - Applications - click dreapta pe VLC - click Show Package Contents - Contents/MacOS/share/lua si copiati aici fisierul downloadat. Restart VLC si e gata.
Acum aveti player pentru youtube :).
Auditie placuta!
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